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Maya Blank

Maya Blank

Maya's journey into Pilates began as a quest for personal wellness and quickly blossomed into a profound passion and love from the first sight. Captivated by the transformative power of Pilates, it resonated deeply with Maya as she found it quickly improved her physical strength, flexibility, posture, balance, energy levels, and mental health. This personal transformation ignited a desire within Maya to share the benefits of Pilates with others and she embarked on an extensive training program to become a certified Pilates instructor as natural progression of her passion. Maya is dedicated to helping others discover the transformative power of Pilates by creating a welcoming and supportive environment where clients of all levels can thrive. Increasing strength, or finding a moment of calm in a busy day, Maya is committed to helping experience the many benefits of Pilates. Maya is grateful for the opportunity to share her love for this practice and to contribute to the wellness and vitality of the community.