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Lynzie Champion

Lynzie Champion

Pilates Instructor
Lynzie has been an athlete for as long as she can remember and has always had a passion for wellness. She found her way back to fitness after a career in the beauty industry. Lynzie started at Club Pilates Whiskey Mill as a Fitness Sales Associate and started taking classes where she fell in love quickly and learned how passionate she was about helping others. Most of all she was happy that Reformer Pilates helped her to find her way back to herself. Not only did she enjoy the classes but soon enough she also became obsessed with the technique of Pilates itself and wanted to learn more. Lynzie was presented with the opportunity to become a Certified Pilates Instructor through the Club Pilates Teacher Training Program! She knew from the first class she ever taught that this was where she was meant to be. She enjoys the connection she builds with her clients the most! Watching them come in feeling one way and leave in a completely different mood is beyond rewarding. She loves motivating others to enjoy moving their bodies. Lynzie loves to teach the ability to help people honor their bodies wherever they are. She believes taking the time to love yourself in your current state, no matter what that looks like, will be exactly what takes you to the next level in life and exercise. Throughout her career, she hopes to be the brighter part of someone's day and help them slow down and connect with their bodies through movement and find peace even if only for a moment. Lynzie’s ultimate goal as an instructor is to inspire others to be their own biggest fan, continue moving their bodies, and take care of their physical health and mental health because they deserve to feel good.