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Catherine Kennedy

Catherine Kennedy

Pilates Instructor
Hailing from South Jersey, Catherine Kennedy joins Club Pilates after having spent the last 10 years living and working in the New York City area. Growing up, Catherine was very anxious, chronically overwhelmed, and suffered from migraines and body-image issues. After graduating college from New York University, she went on to work corporate jobs in New York City. While she enjoyed the work she did, her health problems only got worse. Her wake-up call arrived at the age of 25 when she landed herself in the ER with an ulcer caused by too much stress combined with self-treating migraines with ibuprofen. She realized then that she needed a lifestyle change and to get her stress and migraines under control. She turned to fitness, and started working out with a personal trainer. One day at work, she noticed a small Pilates studio had moved in around the corner. She decided to try a class, and was immediately hooked. She awakened muscles she didn’t know existed, and left the first class feeling confident, calm, and excited. Fast forward years later, Catherine holds a comprehensive Pilates certification through Gramercy Pilates, a Mat and Anatomy certification through New York Pilates, and a personal training certification through the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). Her goal through teaching is to help people find peace and confidence within their bodies through Pilates. More specifically, she wants to evangelize Pilates to those who don’t yet know the impact that Pilates can have on their overall well-being.