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Lisa S

Lisa S

Lisa has her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Boston University. Upon graduation, Lisa worked in Human Resources for 12 years. After having her first child, Lisa decided to make a career change and studied Pilates through Balanced Body. Lisa has been teaching Pilates for seven (7) years. In addition to her Balanced Body training, she has received her pre and post natal certification as well as diastasis recovery certification through The Center For Women’s Fitness. She also received her PSM certificate through The Pilates Suspension Method. Lisa has a passion for Pilates and specifically pre and post -natal Pilates as a way of supporting and healing the body during and after pregnancy. After having her first child, Lisa had tremendous lower back pain and started taking Pilates to heal her back. She really noticed a difference and had improved movement and strength in her core. Lisa strives to share her wealth of knowledge and experience with her clients. Lisa is an avid fitness fanatic including weight training, cycling and Pilates. Lisa plans to continually broaden her scope of knowledge and education in Pilates as she grows as an instructor.