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Laura Stimson

Laura Stimson

Laura Stimson received her certification through Club Pilates in 2021. Having had a near death car accident in her mid twenties, she’s been moving to manage her chronic pain ever since. In February of 2023, she was diagnosed with spondylolisthesis and had undergo lumbar fusion surgery. Having developed a deep understanding of the challenges and limitations that come with this procedure, she is passionate about helping individuals regain strength, flexibility, and overall well-being through the practice of Pilates. After personally experiencing lumbar fusion surgery herself, she understands the physical and emotional journey that accompanies this procedure. This personal experience has fueled her dedication to finding effective ways to support and guide individuals to achieve their goal with Pilates. Laura received her certification through Club Pilates in all pieces of apparatus and is also certified in the Pilates Suspension Method (PSM). She has completed specialized courses and workshops that focus on adapting Pilates exercises to accommodate the unique needs and limitations of individuals so they can achieve their goals. She is well-versed in modifications and variations that can be made to ensure a safe and effective workout for her clients. Laura prioritizes proper alignment, core stability, and controlled movements to help strengthen the muscles that support the spine. She emphasize the importance of maintaining a neutral spine and avoiding excessive flexion or extension that may put strain on lumbar area of the spine. She also incorporates exercises that target the deep stabilizing muscles of the core, as well as the muscles of the hips, glutes, and legs, to provide additional support to the spine. Laura believes in creating a supportive and inclusive environment where her clients feel comfortable and empowered to work towards their fitness goals. She’s committed to helping members improve their posture, reduce pain, increase mobility, and enhance their overall quality of life. Striving to create Pilates classes that will help you regain strength, improve flexibility, and manage your health effectively, Laura is constantly continuing her education. Having started Pilates for fitness, and now using her training during her recovery, she knows how beneficial this method is for your health… Pilates it truly is for everybody!