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Beth T

Beth T

Beth obtained her certification through Club Pilates in 2023. She has been teaching since 2023 but her introduction to Pilates occurred in the mid 1990's in Southern California. After relocating to the Overland Park, a Club Pilates opened less than a mile from her home. Long time member now instructor, Beth is passionate about sharing her love and knowledge of the Pilates lifestyle with others. Having herself suffered two major sports injuries, Beth used Pilates to support and reinforce her physical therapy. Witnessing first-hand, the benefits Pilates and its adaptability to almost any injury, she has devoted her unique teaching style, to helping others find ways to enhance their quality of life. Beth's passion is in helping students of every level and ability find adaptations to meet support their goals. When not in the studio teaching, you can find Beth by a body of water, swimming, skiing, paddle boarding, or boating, and if that’s not available, she’s willing to travel!