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Yi-Jin W

Introduced late in life to fitness, Yi-Jin overcame a lack of athleticism and a sedentary lifestyle to become an exercise instructor. It was initially a struggle for her to start physical activity, as she was deconditioned and didn’t have a habit of exercising. Once she broke through the inertia of inactivity she realized the benefits of regular physical activity and became an instructor to help motivate other people to embrace exercise. Yi-Jin discovered the benefits of mat Pilates after the birth of her second child, when she had tried all the standard “core” exercises and was unable to significantly regain core strength. She completed her Peak Pilates comprehensive certification in 2010, followed by a 200-hour yoga certification with Rolf Gates. Additionally, she holds certification from AFAA for group fitness, and a Schwinn Spinning Certification. She believes that Pilates is one of the foundations for fitness, as it promotes a strong core which is critical to support the spine, and also to facilitate movement and functional strength. Pilates can be successfully done by anyone regardless of physical condition, age or ability and all participants can enjoy the benefits of the movement system. Yi-Jin is excited to help Club Pilates clients achieve their goals with effective, safe, and fun exercises.