Hannah Scott
Hannah Scott was first introduced to Pilates when a teacher suggested it would aid her dance training. When she began taking classes, she was amazed at the difference it made not only in her dancing, but also in her everyday posture and movement. She was instantly hooked! In 2019, Hannah received her pilates teaching certification through Sam Houston State University’s Balanced Body Pilates program under the instruction of Betty Nicolay, a comprehensively certified instructor and Balanced Body pilates faculty member. In May of 2020, Hannah received her Master of Fine Arts in Dance degree from SHSU.
Now as a Club Pilates instructor, it is Hannah’s mission to share her love of movement and fitness in a way that is accessible and fun. Hannah believes that Pilates can help you reach your goals no matter what stage you are at in your fitness journey. As Joseph Pilates once said, “every moment of our life can be the beginning of great things!”