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Monica Bentrude

Monica Bentrude

After Gradauting with BFA in Dance from the University of Utah, Monica gravitated to the fitness industry where she's enjoyed teaching various exercise trends for over 30 years. With a desire to deepen her Pilates knowledge, Monica first visited Streamline in 2010 and discovered the Teacher Training Program & immediately knew that this was the direction she had longed for. Completeing her Streamline training in 2012, Monica opened a door to a richer world of movement for her and her clients. She's a life-long lover of Pilates and for her, nothing compares to increase physical and mental strength, flexibilty and balance. Monica enthusiastically shares her knowledge with her clients and lets them know that if they practice Pilates regularly they'll be strong and injury- free. They'll derive more joy from other forms of exercise and activities, whetther it's skiing, cycling, playing basketball, football, riding horses, tennis, gardening, golf or rock climbing. Monica believes Pilates helps her clients do all their sports better and more safely. In the end, they'll stand taller and feel better about themselves. She truly enjoys being a part of Club Pilates, it's members and it's services! Monica it also Kathy Grant Heritage trained (HT).