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Johanna Halosz

Johanna Halosz

Pilates Instructor/Owner
Two weeks into my weight loss journey, I started walking one single 18 minute mile at a time. I went a little bit faster and longer each day, and the dogs were loving it. Two months in and 12 lbs down, my friend from San Diego sent me a message and told me I should be so excited because her friend Allison was opening a Club Pilates in Reno. I didn’t even know what Pilates was, but I knew I rejected most any other workout, and I needed to enhance my efforts with a movement routine. What did I have to lose? I tried a Club Pilates class. I was hooked on day 1! Since that first day, I have taken 900+ classes, and my body has completely changed and morphed! I constantly Do Pilates. Do Life. For real. I still take 4-5 Pilates classes a week, and I cross train with a 4-7 mile walk 3 days a week. I hike in the Sierra, kayak small alpine lakes, SUP paddle, and indoor rock climb to cross train and keep my exercise exciting and interesting too! My golf rotation has drastically changed, improving my golf game tremendously! Pilates has strengthened and lengthened my body. I now understand and control my movement and posture constantly. My sleep patterns are regular. The tone of my day is perfectly set when I start my day with Pilates. My endurance is high, and I have embraced a truly active lifestyle. The benefits have been immeasurable. 77 lbs later, 66 inches lost, .5 inches gained in height, down to a size 6/S, with 118/78 blood pressure and vastly improved cholesterol numbers, and well below my physician set goal weight. True healthy weight loss, and MAINTENANCE, is a multi-pronged lifestyle approach. It’s finding a healthy respect for your body and food, keeping food exciting and tasty and easy and fresh. It’s moving EVERY SINGLE DAY, and finding exercise and functional activity that excite you. It’s hydrating with water, in my case, 100oz a day. It’s exposing your weight loss journey so that you have accountability at every turn. And it’s stepping on the scale each week, in my case, 210 Tuesdays later, still sitting in my Weight Watchers meeting! Its finding passion in food and activity and sharing. My journey continues as I constantly rave about the magic of Pilates, and inspire others to take a single step towards loving themselves and thanking their body! Allison, the founder of Club Pilates and former owner of my studios in Reno encouraged me to participate in Club Pilates Teacher Training, and I received my official Certification in December 2017. My love and understanding of the discipline grows every single day. I teach the 6 am class each morning, and have a loyal following that continues to grow. I coach and mentor women and men on their body appreciation and health ventures and I absolutely love it. Had I not walked into that Club Pilates class those many months ago, I would have never known what my body and mind were capable of. In September of 2018 I was given the opportunity to take over the NNV Club Pilates studios as their new owner! I proudly share the gift of Pilates and continue to bring positivity forward encourage people to Do Life!