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Four years ago Laura began taking Pilates apparatus classes every week in hopes of resolving her chronic lower back pain. Two months later she was shocked to see how quickly her body was responding. Laura was thrilled and relieved by the physical improvements, AND really enjoyed the classes themselves. They were fun, and she felt exhilarated, like she was accessing a sacred knowledge that gave her greater power over her body. That’s when Laura officially became addicted to the Pilates Method and a newfound passion was born. Laura yearned to learn as much as she could, to achieve even more of this power and connection. So began her journey to certification with Juliet Harvey at Beacon Pilates. As soon as she started teaching, Laura felt a deep sense of satisfaction, helping others harness that same power and mastery in their bodies. While finding a new profession was unexpected, she found teaching Pilates to be incredibly rewarding and is grateful that this brilliant method exists to help others heal themselves on their Pilates journeys.