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Natalie Guy

Natalie Guy

I am lucky to have a career which gives me the opportunity to help individuals feel and look better! I have worked in the fitness industry for over 15 years. I enjoy all forms of fitness and have completed certification and training in in the areas of Pilates, Personal Training, Group Exercise - cycling, TRX, PiYo, various forms of bootcamp, interval/circuit training, along with being a Fitness Nutrition Coach. I must admit that Pilates is my favorite of all! I truly love seeing the changes in balance, strength, coordination, and overall confidence that comes with the practice of Pilates. My mottos are: "Commitment and Consistency are the Key to Success" and "Always Make It Look Pretty and Easy"! My promise to you is that I will always give you my best and I l look forward to being your biggest cheerleader! I have been married to my best friend for over 30+ years. We have been blessed with 2 wonderful daughters, a fabulous son-in-law and the most adorable grandson in the world! When I'm not teaching or training, I am usually always on the go. I love cycling, gardening, walking our dog, spending time with my girlfriends, and learning new things. I often share with people that I have the best job in the world because I get to spend my days with some pretty awesome individuals!