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Liz Tighe

Certified Pilates Instructor
Liz graduated in the United Kingdom as a Physical Therapist and specialized in Brain Injury/Neurological rehabilitation for many years before moving into Case Management. After moving to the United States in 2022, Liz started attending pilates class at Club Pilates. She loved the way it helped her stretch and strengthen her whole body. She knew this was something that she wanted to teach and encourage everybody to start doing as it was so good for the body! While Liz is no longer practicing physical therapy, she has loved integrating all the principles and anatomy from being a physical therapist into her classes as well as watching all the clients fall in love with pilates too. When Liz is not teaching classes, she’s at home with her husband, two kids, two chickens and cat. She also loves going to the gym and taking pilates class when she can!