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Terri M

Terri M

23 years ago, Terri bought a Pilates DVD by Jennifer Kreis. Every night after her kids were asleep, she would take the class on the DVD. She was hooked on Pilates! Her goal was to continue practicing Pilates for the rest of her life. Teaching was introduced to her around 10 years ago, however, it wasn't the right time to start something new. Terri is a true believer in the statement ‘everything in its timing’. She stumbled on Club Pilates Flemington in early 2019 and was a member and found out about the Teacher Training course through the studio and it was the right timing! Terri is a fully certified Instructor and moonlights teaching classes when she isn't working at her full time job as a Vendor Manager. Her favorite pilates move is 'teaser with the push thru bar' (that's in the private training room!) and her guilty pleasure is coffee.