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Ana A.

Ana A.

Ana found her way to CP Marlton in 2023 for an Intro and quickly became a dedicated member. After a year of bouncing between Marlton and Moorestown (and some serious corporate burnout), she threw caution to the wind and dedicated her time to the CP 500 Hour Comprehensive Teacher Training program and completed her apprenticeship. Now, Ana looks forward to furthering her practice through routinely teaching and spreading her love for the transformative foundations of Pilates. "Coming to Pilates was the only 50 mins of the day, where I was awake but my thoughts were quiet. In a world where everything is 'go-go-go, screen-screen-screen', practicing Pilates has given me the grace and confidence to truly focus within and without guilt." Ana hopes to see you in one of her classes soon, where she often subliminally introduces you to Kpop music and tries to reconnect you with joyful movement!