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Laura L.

Laura L.

Certified Pilates Instructor and Master Trainer
For the last 20 years fitness and nutrition have been a big part of my life. And as an athlete who suffered an injury and had to stop doing what I loved, I know that strengthening the body and building a strong foundation is key, not only for athletic performance, but to move well for life. I was introduced to Pilates ten years ago to help with the rehabilitation of knee and hip injuries I suffered while running competitively. It didn’t take long to see how Pilates was helping my body. Pilates quickly became a regular practice and a great complement to my running and weightlifting. My family and I recently relocated back to Utah after living in Northern CA for the last 15 years. I am a Nationally Certified Pilates Teacher, and a National Academy of Sports Medicine Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach. I have been teaching Pilates and training clients privately for four years. I wholeheartedly agree with Joseph Pilates when he said: “Physical fitness is the first requisite for happiness” because when we are fit, strong, move well, and can perform our daily tasks with ease and vigor, we feel capable, confident, and happy. That’s my goal for you. And I would love to help you get there!