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Merri Skoog

Merri Skoog

Pilates Instructor
Merri is originally from Arkansas and relocated to Virginia with her Navy husband in 2012. Mary has always had a passion for fitness for not only herself but those close to her! She began leading my sisters and friends through workouts as teenagers. Merri loves the feeling of being able to motivate people to see just how strong they are and what they are capable of! She found Pilates while her husband was deployed and daughter was in college; she was an empty nester with lots of free time on her hands. Merri says “What started as just something to get me out of the house and back to moving after working at a desk for years became a passion that I couldn't ignore! I joined Club Pilates in 2022 and became comprehensively certified through Club Pilates Teacher Training in 2023. I hope to inspire the same passion I have for Pilates in everyone I have the honor of instructing! Pilates is a fun, challenging, healing and rewarding way to practice selfcare!”