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Adriana Puppin

Adriana, Club Pilates Ft Lauderdale East owner, started her career working in banking on Wealth Management, but soon decided to pursue her passion as a Fashion Designer. She holds a BA for Fashion Design and a MBA focused on Retail Management, Adriana grew herself from designing women clothes to leading a Fast Fashion Women Clothing store to franchise their business and go from 4 own stores to 35 franchises. She was responsible not only for the relation with Franchisees, but also on re-sizing the business and developing a new supply chain in China. Adriana brings to the team a deep knowledge on Retail and Franchises. Fun facts about Adriana is that she grew up in the famous beach neighborhood of Copacabana in Rio de Janieiro - Brazil, has 2 kids, loves to travel to new countries and is simply crazy about PILATES.