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Maureen L

Peak Pilates certified since 2007. I have enjoyed teaching at Club Pilates since early 2020. Originally from South Orange County, CA I relocated to North Texas via Austin in the early 2000's. I was drawn to Club Pilates out of curiosity. I wondered if it was a next step for me in February 2020 and prayed about the decision. General manager extraordinaire Julie invited me in to teach and I'm glad to be a part of our team. I was drawn to pilates at a fitness convention I attended in New York years ago. I took a reformer demo there and thought, "I love this machine and I want to be able to teach this to other people." I experienced a full body workout on a simple spring loaded machine. This Joe guy seemed to be a genius and I knew I wanted in! Everybody can benefit from Pilates; I think our members would agree it's transformational. Outside of my teaching schedule I enjoy my stand-up paddle board, dancing, movies, gardening with my husband and time with my family and dogs.