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Cecilia P.

I never really realized how lucky I was growing up on a farm. I didn’t think back to my upbringing until I started to get more and more in depth into the fitness world, and then ultimately into Pilates. I grew up as my father’s right hand on the farm, basically, I was the farmer’s daughter. All that heavy farm work made me strong, walking barefoot everywhere gave me an incredible sense of balance and stability plus provided a constant Shiatsu massage to tune up my inner organs and feet. Working the apricot harvest every year gave me loaded lateral flexion and rotation intensive work for a month, and farm fresh produce and organic eggs kept me healthy. I’ve worked for several fitness companies, and studied and enjoyed many different types of fitness training modalities, such as: Kettlebells,TRX, sledgehammer, yoga, martial arts, Tai Chi, lots of Pilates, Latin dance, Myofascial stretching and release, ELDOA, running, and much more. I value freedom of movement and realize it’s a pillar of true happiness. Working with individuals to help them re-attain or achieve the most optimal freedom of movement possible for their bodies is the crux of my work. I have worked with people who have debilitating and Neurodegenerative conditions, in particular Parkinson’s disease. I have worked with people who are obese, debilitated from opioid use, recovering from systemic candida infestation, recuperating from joint injuries and surgeries, and pre-and post-pregnancy. The journey back to good health and optimal wellness which includes freedom of movement begins with sincere intention and willingness to do the work on the clients’ part, and the practical application of knowledge and experience on the trainers' part. Both must commit to the process to achieve the most beneficial results. I am happy to be welcomed into the Pilates community in Eugene, especially by Club Pilates Eugene as a member of their professionally trained and experienced instructor staff. I look forward to applying my craft with all those interested in experiencing physically vibrant health, which I often call the ‘Luminance of Movement’. I consider vibrant health as the ability to push yourself to new physical, mental and spiritual heights not because you have to, but because you can. In my spare time I enjoy cooking, trail running, reading and learning, uplifting conversation, road trips, sweet treats and good coffee, being outdoors, and spending time with my daughter, family and friends.