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Johnny Pinto

Pilates Instructor
Growing up I was extremely overweight. In High school I wore a size 42. Starting working out at the age of 19. At 20 I was down to a size 32. No longer a size 32, but I am happy with where I am. Workout at least fives times a week helps me feel overall good. Fitness is a big part of my life. At the age of 30 i made the decision to leave a career in fashion to start a career in fitness. So why Pilates? Because Pilates took me to the next level. Pilates helped me connect with the mind body spirit aspect of fitness. Pilates helped with anxiety. Pilates helped lean me out. Pilates improved my flexibility. Pilates helped me do thing I never thought i could do not only with my body but personally too. I love teaching Pilates because I am always learning new things. Took an anatomy class one semester to help better understand the body. trying new gyms to see what is new. Trying to newest workout crazes to see if they are really amazing. Right now, I'm all about imbalances and myofascial therapy- working on incorporating more cues about imbalances to find balance. Some things you might not know about me? Not much to tell right now. At this point in my life I'm trying to figure out who I am and who I want to be moving forward. It's not an easy thing to do in your 30's but hoping that it will pay off in my 40's.