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McKenna Osborn

Mckenna’s Pilates journey started in 2017 when she was introduced to a Reformer in her physical therapist’s office. She did rehab on a Pilates Reformer to gain mobility back in her upper body for a few months. Her devastating neck injury from cheerleading resulted in her having to give up her cheerleading and dance career. She started as a student at Club Pilates to get back to movement that felt right for her body. She fell in love with what Pilates did for her in rehab and felt the sense of community that she had in dance and cheerleading at the studio. This resulted in her interest to become an instructor and make her passion to share Pilates with all bodies a reality. McKenna began as an apprentice before becoming certified through the Club Pilates Comprehensive Teacher Training program. She continues to educate herself on the human body through her pursuit of her degree in biomedical sciences