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Bonnie Davis

Bonnie loves Pilates at Club Pilates! When she is not busy teaching or traveling, you will often find her taking classes with the amazing teachers at the Downtown Jax studio. Bonnie has been teaching yoga for over 20 years. She also loves running, hiking, horseback riding, golf and is always trying any new fitness activity that comes along. However, when she found Club Pilates and the comprehensive classes that they offer, she knew she had found the missing piece in her fitness journey. She loves Pilates so much, that she went through the year long teacher training program at Club Pilates and became a certified Pilates instructor. Bonnie truly believes that everything can be helped with Pilates. Running is easier, yoga flows better, hiking is so much more comfortable, even the simple act of breathing is better. Bonnie is passionate about showing you the many benefits of adding Pilates into your life too.