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Melissa M

Melissa obtained her pilates certification in 2022 through Classical Pilates Education. Melissa has been teaching at Club Pilates since 2021. Originally from the South Jersey/Philadelphia area, now resides in Boca Raton. Melissa’s journey with Club Pilates began as a member in 2019. After 10 years of practicing classical pilates in Philadelphia, Club Pilates was her first experience in a group reformer class, and she fell in love with the energy and sense of community in the group classes. During the covid shutdown, she decided to attend teacher training as a way to keep busy. She originally intended only to sub every now and then, but once she realized how fun teaching was, she was hooked, and started teaching the early morning classes here at Mizner on a regular basis. When not in the studio teaching, Melissa can usually be found (or heard) at spending time with friends, family & dog Vito, vocalizing her support Philadelphia sports teams, and sometimes traveling the country in her 1973 Ford Bronco.