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Stacy F

Stacy obtained her Pilates Certification through Breathe Education in 2023. Stacy has been teaching with Club Pilates since December 2023. Originally from Wilmette, now residing in the Highland Park area. Stacy was drawn to Club Pilates because after teaching yoga for many years she decided to take a Pilates class at Club Pilates. After the 30 minute Intro she was hooked. She took a class almost everyday for 6 months. She loved how each class was completely different from the next. Her body felt strong and energized. With the yoga background behind her it felt natural to continue on and learn how to instruct Pilates. She truly believes that Pilates can change the body in positive ways and want to share what she has discovered with others. When not in the studio teaching, Stacy enjoys spending time with her family, friends and her dog, Noah!