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Sarah L

Sarah L

Sarah began her movement journey during her childhood days as a ballet dancer. As the years unfolded the love for movement, dance, performance and her fascination with the human body turned into a lifelong venture and ultimately a full blown career! Sarah discovered the benefits of the Pilates method soon after suffering an injury during her fourth season on the NBA with the Miami Heat Dancers. Through her consistent practice she was able to fully rehabilitate and ultimately heal. That was a milestone moment that redirected her career path towards a focus on “the art of intelligent, controlled, and mindful movement”, as she likes to call it. Sarah became a certified Pilates instructor through Power Pilates in 2012 and then acquired her second certification through Classical Pilates Education. Apart from teaching Pilates Sarah is also a certified Yoga and Barre instructor as well as a certified Open water Diver! Sarah spends her free time listening to music, meditating, journaling, exercising, and taking long walks with her dog!