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Born and raised in Mexico, City, Gabriela is a former professional dancer, and has been a professional in the fitness industry for over thirty years. She is also a Gold ACE Certified Group Exercise Instructor and TRX Certified Suspension Trainer, Barre fitness, Aerial yoga and has completed years of continuing education classes in Pilates, Group Exercise and Personal Training. Gabriela is a long standing member of IDEA Health and Fitness Association. Gabriela became passionate about teaching Pilates after years of dancing injuries forced her to re-examine her own training techniques. She believes the mind body connection can empower a deeper, more intelligent approach to fitness, and that the principles of Pilates can be incorporated into all aspects of movement education. Gabriela founded Banuet Training Method LLC for Dancers in 2009. She aims to prevent and reduce injuries improved body awareness, efficient movement patterns, as well as stimulating the mind and teaching the benefits of mindful movement and a joy and love of Pilates.